In September in Michigan, the skies here turn to a bright blue in anticipation of another colorful autumn. In celebration of this month, we chose Sky Blue as our Color of the Month. 

Color of the Month iPenstore Blue

Blue is the most popular color in the world. The color conveys a sense of trust and loyalty which is where the saying comes from for describing a person as "true blue." It represents tranquility, relaxation, and peace. People wear blue to convey knowledge, integrity and seriousness. 

Color of the Month iPenstore blue

Soft shades of blue are associated with health, healing, and tranquility. Bright blue with cleanliness, strength, peace, and serenity. First prize gets the blue ribbon. Fun facts about the color blue: 8% of the world's population have blue eyes. With a history of mystical symbolism, "into the blue" means into the unknown. The pharaohs of ancient Egypt wore blue for protection against evil.

Color of the Month iPenstore blue

If you love blue, like we do - then you'll love the products we featured for our Color of the Month:

Fountain Ink:

Pilot Iroshizuku Ink Ama Iro

Pens and pencils:

Pencil Case:


Color of the monthFountain pen inkFountain pensSeptemberSky blue

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